the parameter missing_join supports to NULL in woebin function
modified the oot param names in split_df function
the woebin_adj function supports more params for binning
rename the param save_breaks_list to save_as in woebin and woebin_adj function
fixed a bug due to the pretty function returns numbers with inconsistency digits
scorecard 0.4.32023-08-08
fixed multiple bugs
scorecard 0.4.22023-04-23
added a new param in the woebin function to specify the bin position of missing values
fixed a bug in scorecard_ply function
scorecard 0.4.12023-01-05
added correlation matrix to the report function.
added a new function scorecard_pmml.
adjusted var_filter and var_filter2 function.
scorecard 0.4.02022-11-07
remove the |> operator to support R < 4.1.
modified var_filter and scorecard2 function.
update examples for the scorecard and perf functions.
scorecard 0.3.92022-07-24
fixed a bug in woebin function.
the var_filter function supports to filter variable via step and vif.
scorecard 0.3.82022-07-09
fixed a bug in woebin function when breaks_list is provided.
scorecard 0.3.72022-05-09
modified the example codes in the scorecard, scorecard2, scorecard_ply functions
fixed multiple bugs
scorecard 0.3.62021-11-29
fixed multiple bugs
added test files
scorecard 0.3.52021-09-06
set the default number of cores to 2 in woebin and woebin_ply function.
scorecard 0.3.42021-08-04
fixed multiple bugs in functions, such as woebin_adj and describe.
the functions of woebin_adj and report support the arguments that used in woebin and woebin_plot.
scorecard 0.3.32021-06-11
the perf_psi function modified the results from psi to csi for variables.
add the global argument options(scorecard.bin_close_right = TRUE) to set the bins closed on the right.
fixed a bug in describe function.
scorecard 0.3.22021-03-14
added a function describe that calculatess statistic parameters for exploratory data analysis.
replace good/bad with neg/pos.
replace NaN with NA if it exists in the input data.
added [] after the returned DataTable in gains_table and woebin function in order to directly display the datatable when printing.
scorecard 0.3.12020-08-30
added a parameter in scorecard/scorecard2 function to round score
added parameters show_varval/show_lineval in woebin_plot function to show bar value or line value
added a parameter breaks_by in perf_psi/gains_table function to identify the data set to create breakpoints.
modified the graphics format of perf_eva function
scorecard 0.3.02020-04-10
modified the method to create initial fine binning breaks.
fixed the bintxt to vector function
report function supports no_cores argument
scorecard 0.2.92020-03-28
fixed a bug in perf_psi when label is null
modified a parameter in split_df function
adding test files
added a warning message in scorecard2 function when there are na coefficients in lr model
improve the performance of rep_blank_na function
modified the method to create initial fine binning breaks.
fixed a bug in woebin function cant handle special_values
woebin_adj supports to return bins list.
fixed a bug in report function
scorecard 0.2.82019-12-04
fixed a bug in woebin using chimerge method
gains_table supports setting of break width
fixed a bug in germancredit data set
scorecard2 supports to adjust oversampling
provides replace_na function to replace missing values
a new function var_scale is provided for variable scaling
scorecard 0.2.72019-10-17
check var_kp in scorecard_ply function
fixed a bug caused by data.table updating
scorecard 0.2.62019-09-01
split_df function supports multiple data frames.
added a cross validation function perf_cv
modified the default value for no_cores in woebin and woebin_ply function.
woebin_plot supports displaying woe values
fixed a bug when Inf or NaN exist in input data for woebin and woebin_ply function
scorecard 0.2.52019-07-04
fixed various bugs in woebin_adj that returns breaks_list including missing without quotes.
fixed a bug in perf_eva when pred is score.
fixed a bug in woebin function when y is not provided.
remove the .export option in foreach loop, in order to suppress the warning of ‘already exported variables …’
modified the calculation of identical rate in var_filter function
using forking on non-windows os and psock on windows when makeCluster in parallel
scorecard 0.2.42019-03-26
fixed a bug in woebin when only NA and special values
remove ‘missing’ value from breaks_list if it exists.
woebin function donot require y if label column is not available for equal freq/width method.
woebin_ply supports converting data into bin value.
fixed a bug in perf_eva when pred is score
move the gains table to the last sheet in exported report excel, and only have one data set.
fixed a bug in woebin_ply when only x variables in bins are available in input dataset
fixed a bug in report function export test binning graphics only.
fixed a bug in woebin function when there are only two unique values for tree and chimerge methods.
scorecard 0.2.32019-02-10
add var_skip argument in woebin function, and var_kp argument in scorecard_ply function. Therefore, the id column can be handle during the development of scorecard model.
fixed a typo in perf_eva function
replace !isFalse(x) with isTRUE(x) & !is.null(x) in perf_eva function. The isFalse function is only available after R3.5.
scorecard 0.2.22019-01-14
fixed a bug in check_y function when the name of label column is ‘y’ in input data.
fixed a bug in woebin_adj function when count_distr_limit is not default value in woebin function.
scorecard 0.2.12019-01-14
revised one_hot function
modified .export used in foreach loop
add my name in license file
scorecard 0.2.02019-01-07
fixed a bug is woebin function cant modify positive values
pdo in scorecard function now supports negative value.
split_df will not remove datetime and identical variables
added a one-hot encoding function
added save_breaks_list argument in both woebin and woebin_adj function, which can save breaks_list as file in current working directory.
revised perf_eva and perf_psi functions
added a vif function
added a report function to create report for scorecard modeling
added a scorecard2 function, which donot requires a glm model object in inputs
scorecard 0.1.92018-09-11
pdo in scorecard function now supports negative value. If pdo is positive, the larger score means the lower probability to be positive sample. If pdo is negative, the larger score means the higher probability to be positive sample.
fixed a bug in woebin function using chimerge method, which is caused by initial breaks have out-range values.
added a check function on the length of unique values in string columns, which might cause the binning process slow.
fixed a bug in perf_eva function which is caused by the nrow of plot is set to 0 when the length of plot type is one.
the ratio argument in split_df function supports to set ratios for both train and test.
If the argument return_rm_reason is TRUE in var_filter function, the info_value, missing_rate and identical_rate are provided in the result.
scorecard 0.1.82018-06-12
remove columns have only one unique values in input dataset
modify the default values of x_limits in perf_psi
fixed a bug in perf_psi when the label is factor
display proc time in woebin
fixed a bug in per_eva when estimating AUC
fixed a bug in woebin_adj when special_values is provided
scorecard 0.1.72018-04-27
added chimerge method for woebin function
special_values option added in woebin function
f1 curve added in perf_eva
scorecard 0.1.62018-03-13
Fixed a bug in woebin_adj function when all_var == FALSE and the breaks of all variables are perfect.
Provide parallel computation (foreach with parallel backend) in the functions of woebin and woebin_ply.
Modified scorecard_ply function.
Fixed a bug in woebin when there are empty bins based on provided break points.
scorecard 0.1.52018-01-21
Fixed a bug in scorecard function when calculating the coefficients.
Fixed a bug in perf_eva when type=“lift”.
Fixed a bug in functions of woebin and var_filter when removing Date columns.
scorecard 0.1.42017-12-17
perf_eva supports both predicted probability and score.
Added the woebin_adj function which can interactively adjust the binning info from woebin.
Reviewed woebin function.
scorecard 0.1.32017-11-17
Modified the format of printing message and added condition functions.
Added the split_df function which split a dataframe into two.
Reorder the binning information. Move the missing to the first binning.