create plots of count distribution and positive probability for each bin. The binning informations are generates by woebin
woebin_plot(bins, x = NULL, title = NULL, show_iv = TRUE,
line_value = "posprob", ...)
A list of data frames. Binning information generated by woebin
Name of x variables. Defaults to NULL. If x is NULL, then all columns except y are counted as x variables.
String added to the plot title. Defaults to NULL.
Logical. Defaults to TRUE, which means show information value in the plot title.
The value displayed as line. Accepted values are 'posprob' and 'woe'. Defaults to positive probability.
Additional parameters
A list of binning graphics.
# Load German credit data
# Example I
bins1 = woebin(germancredit, y="creditability", x="credit.amount")
#> ℹ Creating woe binning ...
#> ✔ Binning on 1000 rows and 2 columns in 00:00:00
p1 = woebin_plot(bins1)
#> $credit.amount
# modify line value
p1_w = woebin_plot(bins1, line_value = 'woe')
#> $credit.amount
# modify colors
p1_c = woebin_plot(bins1, line_color='#FC8D59', bar_color=c('#FFFFBF', '#99D594'))
#> $credit.amount
# show iv, line value, bar value
p1_iv = woebin_plot(bins1, show_iv = FALSE)
#> $credit.amount
p1_lineval = woebin_plot(bins1, show_lineval = FALSE)
#> $credit.amount
p1_barval = woebin_plot(bins1, show_barval = FALSE)
#> $credit.amount
# \donttest{
# Example II
bins = woebin(germancredit, y="creditability")
#> ℹ Creating woe binning ...
#> ✔ Binning on 1000 rows and 21 columns in 00:00:00
plotlist = woebin_plot(bins)
# # save binning plot
# for (i in 1:length(plotlist)) {
# ggplot2::ggsave(
# paste0(names(plotlist[i]), ".png"), plotlist[[i]],
# width = 15, height = 9, units="cm" )
# }
# }